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That's one secret I never tell xoxo 

No, ok because it's you, I do tell you:

Who am I ?

Thessa Longobardi is a singer- songwriter and camerawoman, who grew up in the northern part of Italy, in the heart of the alps. She is generally a creative person and always full of  ideas.


She always loved music, especially singing and took it more seriously in high school by doing singing lessons and participating in school bands and choirs.

At first she uploaded songs on Soundcloud and created Youtube videos to express her creativity and feelings.

Then she slowly began to upload her music on more platforms like Spotify etc.

Her role models are: Lana Del Rey, Lil Peep, Eminem, NF, Ariana Grande, Marylin Monroe.

Currently she is working on own songs. 

Her goal would be to write an album someday and that she is connecting with you with her music. <3


She studied camera and digital media in Munich at the "Bayerische Akademie für Fernsehen und Digitale Medien (BAF)".

There for example she was responsible for screenplay and directing at the short movie "amor vincit" or was filming at events like "Special Olympics 2023", which took place in Berlin. 

Before that, she undertook two internships. One at "Cinemepic" and then at "Moviemento", both Film productions in Italy.

She is uploading mostly of her videos on the streaming platform Youtube.

Right now she wants to get even better at filming and creating content.

She is working with film equipment like the camera "Sony FX30" and creates beautiful images.

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Thank you, means a lot!

Thank you for reaching out!

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